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Ongulf: Even some of the people here in the base might offer you some tasks sooner or later. If you prefer, you can also do some exploring, hunting and good ol' plundering on your own of course. ...

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Ongulf: After several tries with mixed success, the project of the technomancers proved the most successful. Their steamships studied and mapped the great underwater rivers deep beneath the earth. ...

Deter a The Thieves Guild Quest pronta, ou conhecer algufoim qual possua (unicamente se você errar alguma palavra na missão 5).

Ongulf: At last, with the growing numbers of adventurers here, not only the security of the base is growing but also the demand for certain supplies. I'd like the Edron academy to open up a shop in the base. We need to keep you adventurers happy, don't we? ...

Ongulf: What was more, the said cave system had an abundance of rare ores. The imperial mining guild agreed to fund a new project and to name it 'project far far away'. ...

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Gurbasch: This is why we developed new steamship technologies to be able to further explore and cartograph the great subterraneous rivers. Our brothers have established a base on a continent far, far away. ...

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